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Mind the Gap!

Mut zur Lücke oder Lücken schließen?
What suits your face better and how do you find out?


When we look back to the trends of the 80s, a certain beauty comes to mind. We all know her as the infamous Lauren Hutton. She was known for her brilliant acting / modeling career and lovely smile. Her dental gap did not hurt her image at all! Nowadays, we have the stunning Georgia Jagger, with her very own dental gap. Yet again, her teeth do not take away from her beauty, quite the opposite, her gap enhances her sensual appearance. Both of these women are beautiful, hip and sexy.

However, we know that what looks great on one person, can be a totally different case for another! So how can you find out if the dental gap is hip or a skip for you?

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Wer jünger aussehen will, sollte in schöne Zähne investieren!

The answer to looking younger and staying youthful lies in your teeth!

Welcome to: the New Face Lift

Much of facial ageing is caused by your teeth. What does this mean exactly? With age, teeth wear down and the jaw recedes, shortening the distance from nose to chin, changing your profile. This forces the face to literally collapse.

Many people think that the quickest solution is to go to a dermatologist for fillers and Botox. However, nobody is given a guarantee that such procedures will make one look younger, or even at all better.

Thankfully, there is a better and longer-lasting solution for this! This is called a dental Face-Lift.

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Dr. Petra Schumacher’s Team Christmas Party

Christmas is a very special time when people that care about each other come together and celebrate the holiday season. At the Dr. Schumacher dental clinic, this holiday time is also embraced by the team to show each other caring, warmth and respect. Each year, Dr. Schumacher takes her team out to a lovely Christmas celebration and brings along thoughtful surprises to show her appreciation.

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Teeth Bleaching Bachelorette Party at Petra’s!

My good friend Valerie was getting married, so I thought about how we can start a bachelorette evening party in a sophisticated and unique way? If there was definitely something I knew about my girl Valerie is that she is not like anyone else I know. She has that something special about her, that je ne sais quoi that most women dream about having. She is extraordinary and sensual, like a luxurious wild cat that knows her worth. Then it suddenly hit me! What other fabulous and elegant friend do I have that can help us? My friend Petra Schumacher! In my opinion, she’s the best dentist in Frankfurt, so what better way to start a glamorous evening than with a teeth bleaching for all of us together!!

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Zähne können noch so glänzen: erst die Symmetrie der Zahnachsen bringt die Schönheit. Zähne lassen sich optisch vergrößern oder verkleinern, Zahnfleisch entfernen oder aufbauen. Und wussten Sie, dass leichte Zahnkorrekturen auch Lippenfalten verschwinden lassen? Probieren Sie es aus. Es lässt sich gut simulieren.

The source for a perfect smile!


Auch Zähne brauchen einen soliden Bauplan. Wir analysieren Gebiss, Kiefergelenk und Muskeln und können dann im 3D-Modell alle Bewegungsabläufe exakt nachvollziehen. So lassen sich Störfaktoren gleich erkennen und: weg damit. Damit die Beschwerden sich in einem Lächeln auflösen.


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